Tuesday, December 12, 2006

In which I am a little mopey.

So, I'm just about finished school for the semester. On Thursday, I have an exam and possibly a playing test, and on Sunday I'm playing at a Hannukah party with klezmer band.
Saturday, I'm getting the rest of my tattoo coloured in. I will probably need one more session after that, for touch-ups, but at least it'll look finished.

I've got a lot of stuff on my mind lately, the most recent of which is the worry that I am about to be dumped by one of my guy friends who has started dating this girl. It always happens that way, I'm just hoping it won't happen this time. When a guy gets a girlfriend, there are a couple of reasons why he doesn't see as much of his old girl buddies anymore: a) Obviously he has less time to spend with other people in general, b) Maybe the girlfriend is jealous of the time he might spend with other girls, c) He will probably just forget about me.

I'm just a little bummed today.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


A couple of weeks ago, I got the outline and a few tiny bits of colour of my tattoo. I was unprepared for how much it would hurt. I mean, I knew it would be painful, but I never expected it to be as bad as it was. The result, however, was totally worth it.

Yesterday, I got most of the colour done, and I would just like to say that it exceeded the pain of the outline tenfold. I am serious, it was probably the most pain I've ever been in. BUT, the result this time was ten times cooler. It looks awesome, and the worst part is over. All I have to have done now is a little shading in the negative space, and the colour in the flowers. Krys (the tattoo artist) says I should be able to finish it in one more session, and then we'll have one more after that to thicken up the outline (which I am not looking forward to), and touch up any faded colours.

I will post a picture a) when it heals a little, and b) when I can get my hands on a camera. Take my word for it, though. It looks amazing. Right now I can barely move, and it hurts to breath because it stretches out my ribs, but it's TOTALLY WORTH IT.

I've made my plans for New Year's this year. I'm going to see Hey Rosetta! and Mark Bragg at Junctions. I'm pretty excited, since this is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to do this year. I wanted a place to wear this nice dress I have, and I wanted something different from a house party. Also, I've never seen Mark Bragg before, so I'm looking forward to that. If anyone wants to go to the show, tickets are $25 and you can get them at Junctions, or Sirens after 5pm. FUN!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Breaking News

Some moderately interesting stuff happened to me in the last couple of weeks.

1. I am getting my tattoo outline done a week from today. I'm really excited about it, but kind of nervous, too. Obviously, it's a permanent thing, so it's something I've been thinking about for a long time. I'm also kind of nervous about the pain factor. Everyone has been telling me that the ribs are the most painful spot to get tattooed.

2. Almost poked my right eye out at work yesterday. I was leaning over to get something off a shelf near the floor, and didn't see the half empty t-shirt rack in front of me, due to its emptiness and the sun shining in my eyes. WHACK, right on my browbone, about half an inch above my eye. Then I was on the floor, and they sent me upstairs with an ice pack for a few minutes. I'm fine, no permanent damage, but I've had an intermittent headache since it happened.

3. Out of 15 people in the lounge with me right now, I can only tolerate about four of them. This place has become just like high school, only with fewer skeets and more arrogant idiots and waaaaay more gossip.

4. My awesome t-shirts finally came in the mail! One of them is too big, so I might take it in or something. It's still cool though.

5. Almost time to get Winston fixed. Poor little guy. He's going to be pissed at me for a while.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Ra--Ra-Rasputin, lover of the Russian Queen!

Just posting today because I haven't in a week. Really. You gotta keep it alive.

Had a bit of a rough week. Too many midterms and assignments due. I got everything done, though, albeit not brilliantly. I'm pretty sure I did spectacularly poorly on my chemistry midterm, but at least it is only worth 7.5% of my final grade. If I keep doing well on everything else, and on the 60%(!) final, I should be ok. My history of popular music in drama midterm yesterday went really well, which is a good thing, because that one is worth 30%!

I sent out my med school application on Sunday night, and so far they've received all my supporting documents except my transcript. MUN, I ordered that thing two weeks ago! Why isn't it there yet? The admissions office lady told me not to worry, though, because they know how the registrar's office is. Slack, that's how they are. A bunch of slackers.

Relaxing most of this weekend. No partying for me. I'm trying to save money and recover some of the sleep I lost this week. To force myself not to go out on Saturday night, I'm going to my parents' house right after work. It's so nice to hang out there sometimes, since I moved out. My parents are so happy to see me, they almost treat me like a "guest". I'm pretty sure my mom even cleans the bathroom before I get there. Either that, or it's always clean now that I don't live there anymore. I'm also looking forward to watching Coronation Street. I don't have a tv at my house, so I haven't seen it in weeks.

I try to make my life sound interesting, but it pretty much just ends with me rambling about my week. Oh well.

P.S. Someone just passed by my house in a car with the music (bass especially) up on BLAST. That would be relatively normal if it wasn't 10:45 in the morning. You don't usually hear that kind of stuff at least until after supper. Maybe they need it to wake up or something. I don't know.

P.P.S. I just remembered, the Klezmer group I play in at MUN is playing a short set at folk night at the Ship this Wednesday. Everyone should go check it out, and then let me know how a bunch of white kids from St. John's are doing with interpreting traditional Eastern European Jewish music. Yeah.

Friday, October 13, 2006

After months of antici... pation...

MCAT scores came out today!
I am pretty happy about mine. Considering that I have a music degree, I think I did pretty well.


So? What does everybody think? The way the test is marked is kind of weird, so I don't expect many people to be as excited as I am. I'll just say that I was expecting, and would have been happy with, a slightly lower score. It's not amazing, but it's pretty decent.

I'm happy!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Wolfgang: A Photo Memoriam

My rat, Wolfie, died last night. He'd been sick (read: riddled with tumours) for months, but acted completely normal until a few days ago. Poor little guy.

Here's to you, Wolfie. You were an awesome pet, and you will be missed.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

In all his glory!

I got my eyebrow pierced today, and my tattoo consultation is on Friday. I can't wait to get it all drawn up.
The new roommate moved in today. I'm excited about having another person in the house I can have a conversation with.

A few fun things going on this weekend. Party at Kathy and Josh's for Josh's 25th birthday on Friday, and Hey Rosetta on Saturday. Then I get to go visit the folks on Sunday to eat a nice big turkey dinner.

Since I don't have a picture of my newly-adorned eyebrow, I'll leave you with something that is quite possibly EVEN COOLER:


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

She grew up, she filled out.

About a month ago, I got together with my friends Philippe and Heather to do a little photoshoot entitled "Zombie Survival". Here are a few of the resulting pictures:

Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Roommate Chronicles: Finale

So, my sketchy roommate moved out today!

And by "moved out", I mean he left, and left all his stuff behind. So Katie and her dad boxed everything up, and if he doesn't pick it up by tomorrow, it's going on the street.
We are so happy that he is gone, we are having a celebratory supper tomorrow. I think we're making Chicken Rendang.

I was just about to write about a piece of cheesecake I got for free today, until I realized how tediously boring that sounds. And then I wrote about it anyway.

Went to see Rob Power's concert tonight, which was nothing short of excellent (as always). That guy actually made Shona Dream Dance interesting again, a piece I've heard at just about every percussion recital or concert I've ever been to.

I just started playing Brain Age, and I'm feeling a little dumb (shut up, Mike). Apparently, the ideal brain age is 20, which means I'm past my prime already. Dang.

Now if only I could figure out how to make entries have a title.

One more thing:

O RLY?!?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Meet Winston

Just thought I'd formally introduce the coolest cat ever, Winston:

These pictures are a little old. He's about twice that size now. Oh Winston, will you ever let me sleep?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

First Entry: The Roommate Chronicles

Last night, I got home to find that ALL of my English muffins had been eaten. There were four left that morning, and my extremely sketchy roommate had eaten them all, or threw them out just to piss me off, I don't know.

This guy is definitely just out to bother Katie and myself, since we kicked him out a few days ago. He's leaving on Saturday, and if he doesn't go, we're calling the police on him. Seriously, he creeps us out, and we think he might turn violent or something. He's got a criminal record and everything. We should probably have checked that out before we let him live with us. He's already stolen my facecloth (and possibly a pair of my underwear), eaten my lunch (when it was packed up in the fridge, ready to go in the morning), and spit in Katie's cat's water dish. He also owes the electrical company $400, and leaves porn everywhere. Not that I care that he looks at porn, but he leaves it ALL OVER the floor of his room, with his door wide open. I mean it. Completely covering the floor of his room with porn mags and pictures. Does he really need that many pictures at once? He must have a really poor imagination.

So I'm not exactly mad about the English muffins. It was mostly just an inconvenience because that was my only easy preparable breakfast food. I'm just glad he'll be gone soon. We're having the locks changed.