Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Roommate Chronicles: Finale

So, my sketchy roommate moved out today!

And by "moved out", I mean he left, and left all his stuff behind. So Katie and her dad boxed everything up, and if he doesn't pick it up by tomorrow, it's going on the street.
We are so happy that he is gone, we are having a celebratory supper tomorrow. I think we're making Chicken Rendang.

I was just about to write about a piece of cheesecake I got for free today, until I realized how tediously boring that sounds. And then I wrote about it anyway.

Went to see Rob Power's concert tonight, which was nothing short of excellent (as always). That guy actually made Shona Dream Dance interesting again, a piece I've heard at just about every percussion recital or concert I've ever been to.

I just started playing Brain Age, and I'm feeling a little dumb (shut up, Mike). Apparently, the ideal brain age is 20, which means I'm past my prime already. Dang.

Now if only I could figure out how to make entries have a title.

One more thing:

O RLY?!?


Janezy said...


stupid yves, making me find that funny.

Russell said...

Goodbye Captain Sketchy Pants!

Your face clothes are safe now, missus.