Sunday, November 26, 2006


A couple of weeks ago, I got the outline and a few tiny bits of colour of my tattoo. I was unprepared for how much it would hurt. I mean, I knew it would be painful, but I never expected it to be as bad as it was. The result, however, was totally worth it.

Yesterday, I got most of the colour done, and I would just like to say that it exceeded the pain of the outline tenfold. I am serious, it was probably the most pain I've ever been in. BUT, the result this time was ten times cooler. It looks awesome, and the worst part is over. All I have to have done now is a little shading in the negative space, and the colour in the flowers. Krys (the tattoo artist) says I should be able to finish it in one more session, and then we'll have one more after that to thicken up the outline (which I am not looking forward to), and touch up any faded colours.

I will post a picture a) when it heals a little, and b) when I can get my hands on a camera. Take my word for it, though. It looks amazing. Right now I can barely move, and it hurts to breath because it stretches out my ribs, but it's TOTALLY WORTH IT.

I've made my plans for New Year's this year. I'm going to see Hey Rosetta! and Mark Bragg at Junctions. I'm pretty excited, since this is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to do this year. I wanted a place to wear this nice dress I have, and I wanted something different from a house party. Also, I've never seen Mark Bragg before, so I'm looking forward to that. If anyone wants to go to the show, tickets are $25 and you can get them at Junctions, or Sirens after 5pm. FUN!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Breaking News

Some moderately interesting stuff happened to me in the last couple of weeks.

1. I am getting my tattoo outline done a week from today. I'm really excited about it, but kind of nervous, too. Obviously, it's a permanent thing, so it's something I've been thinking about for a long time. I'm also kind of nervous about the pain factor. Everyone has been telling me that the ribs are the most painful spot to get tattooed.

2. Almost poked my right eye out at work yesterday. I was leaning over to get something off a shelf near the floor, and didn't see the half empty t-shirt rack in front of me, due to its emptiness and the sun shining in my eyes. WHACK, right on my browbone, about half an inch above my eye. Then I was on the floor, and they sent me upstairs with an ice pack for a few minutes. I'm fine, no permanent damage, but I've had an intermittent headache since it happened.

3. Out of 15 people in the lounge with me right now, I can only tolerate about four of them. This place has become just like high school, only with fewer skeets and more arrogant idiots and waaaaay more gossip.

4. My awesome t-shirts finally came in the mail! One of them is too big, so I might take it in or something. It's still cool though.

5. Almost time to get Winston fixed. Poor little guy. He's going to be pissed at me for a while.