Thursday, January 11, 2007

Everything's comin' up Milhouse!

A couple of really awesome things happened to me today and yesterday:

1. Yesterday, I found out that I have an interview with the med school here at MUN!

2. Today, I found out that I have a job, starting Monday, with Revenue Canada*!

So when I got to work this morning, I handed in my notice. Happiest friggin' day of my life. Well, that's a stretch, but it was pretty damn happy.

You know how it is, when you're in such a great mood, everything seems better? Colours seem brighter, food tastes better, even the slush on the road didn't bother me.

I feel like celebrating.

*Note: While working for Revenue Canada is not intrinsically rewarding, it is extremely, uh... extrinsically rewarding. Meaning I make about 2.5 times more than I did at Auntie Crae's. YES.


Lady Cove Women's Choir said...

are you working on the phones at revenue canada?
because if you are, so is my sister's best friend erin. she's super!

Kerri said...

Yeah, I'm phoning businesses to get them to send us money they owe.

Janezy said...

Things DO seem better when you're in a good mood.

For example, I seem more amazing than I actually am, don't I?!? I already am pretty damn amazing, and one would think that it'd be nearly impossible for me to SEEM any more amazing, but you know what? One would be wrong!!!

I'm tired.