Sunday, November 23, 2008

Take Back the Album

I am a terrible blogger. Oh well, nothing terribly interesting (that I would discuss on the internet) has happened to me lately.
Have two (2) jobs now. Still at Hava Java, and now also at the new Living Planet store. Love love love both of these jobs. I don't care if my enthusiasm makes me look like a dork. How lucky am I to have even one job I enjoy, let alone a second? I have worked plenty of crappy jobs in my day, so it's nice to have coworkers and bosses you get along with and customers who don't treat you like slaves.
My Actionsampler broke ages ago, after only one roll of film (and a half, which I ruined opening the camera after I thought it was rewound). Blah. Still desperate for the Lomo LC-A+ RL, but at $280 US plus tax/customs/blah I don't think I will be purchasing it anytime soon.
Writing a blog is so weird. I read lots of blogs, but I generally assume that this one has an audience of zero (0). Doesn't matter.
Ok, here's a list of things that are making me happy lately:
1. Edamame (have you tried this? You can make it at home!)
2. The Tudors
3. Kings of Leon (although I am currently trying to rid myself of negative associations with these guys. Love the newest album and I am taking it back, dammit!)
4. Raymi the Minx (Love this girl. I think she is hilarious)
5. The Banjo
6. Klezmer music
7. Having my sister as a roommate (totally awesome)

1 comment:

Jon said...

I am amazed how many times I read people writing on their blog that they figure they have zero readers


There's always people looking through blogs based on how they are in categories... for example... this evening I've been surfing through blogs from Newfoundland... I'm a newfie living in exile on the mainland... and then I find my way here...

i like your site and I think it's unfair to yourself to think that you're a "terrible blogger"... i think you're very expressive...

here's a link to a site you may like that talks about some of the things above: