Monday, September 22, 2008

Not feeling it right now.

I am learning to crochet. It is HARD! Harder than knitting, anyway. Knitting is really straightforward.
My actionsampler is broken. I am quite sad. Hopefully it will be either a) still warrantied, or b) cheap to fix. If it costs more than $30 total to send away, have repaired, and get back, I will just buy a new one (someday). The camera is barely worth that much.

Starting with Big Brothers/Sisters again this week. Got some kid-entertaining supplies today, including play-doh and a massive box of crayons. Kids like that stuff, right? Also hoping to start with St. John Ambulance soon, too. Free first aid training = yay!
So so so so dissatisfied with life right now. Trying not to be that way.
Reading this right now. Very very good book.
Still pouring coffee for a living. Could definitely be worse. Liking my job and coworkers for the most part. Free coffee a plus.
Slightly obsessed with Nümph lately.
Still in love with this city, but needing a break from it. You know how it is.

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