Monday, September 22, 2008

Not feeling it right now.

I am learning to crochet. It is HARD! Harder than knitting, anyway. Knitting is really straightforward.
My actionsampler is broken. I am quite sad. Hopefully it will be either a) still warrantied, or b) cheap to fix. If it costs more than $30 total to send away, have repaired, and get back, I will just buy a new one (someday). The camera is barely worth that much.

Starting with Big Brothers/Sisters again this week. Got some kid-entertaining supplies today, including play-doh and a massive box of crayons. Kids like that stuff, right? Also hoping to start with St. John Ambulance soon, too. Free first aid training = yay!
So so so so dissatisfied with life right now. Trying not to be that way.
Reading this right now. Very very good book.
Still pouring coffee for a living. Could definitely be worse. Liking my job and coworkers for the most part. Free coffee a plus.
Slightly obsessed with Nümph lately.
Still in love with this city, but needing a break from it. You know how it is.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Messy mess.

So, Stef moved in yesterday, and because I have more clothes and junk and useless crap than any single human should own, my house is now in complete disarray. You would think that the girl who just MOVED would have a harder time with organization, but no, I moved all my stuff from the smaller bedroom to the (very) slightly larger one, and it is quite literally the messiest room I have ever lived in.
At least I have today off to clean. And it is not nice outside so I won't be tempted to say screw it and go take pictures. It is actually so foggy that I can't see the other side of the harbour.
No med school for me (again) this year. I am over the part where I am sad about it, but not yet over the part where I am bitter that some people got in and I didn't. Oh well, on the bright side, I am guaranteed a job for the next year. And if I find out next spring that I got in, I might just choose to be unemployed for a few months before the madness starts.
Anyway, that's done, and if there was a way I could magically stop people from talking about it and asking about it, I would. My family especially. I know they mean well, but I don't think I've gone one single day in the last two years without it being mentioned.
Going to pick up two sets of prints today: one from my Holga that sat in the camera so long I forget what I even have on there, and the other is 35mm slide that I used in a friend's Nikon SLR, for practice. I hope it came out. Slide film is finicky sometimes, and this stuff was expired.
Ok, enough. Coffee time.