Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well, I suppose that rather than hijack the communal blog I am also a member of, I should save the mundane details of my life for this old place. I thought I had abandoned it for good.
As much as I promised I would never complain about the heat, since it took so long in getting here, I am (almost) sick of summer. Ready for it to be chilly again. I just wish that also meant blue skies, but somehow I doubt it.
Lately the only reason I care about the weather at all is because my little toy cameras function best when it's bright and sunny. When we had that 2-week-long spell of RDF and coolish temperatures, I did not really mind, as I was too poor to buy film. It was a nice break from being constantly sweaty and disgusting, too.
Going to keep this brief for now. So much to talk about, but none of it really matters.
Still no phone call from MUN. All those people were right when they said that getting into med school was the hardest part. No matter how hard the work is once I (someday) get there, at least I know I can DO school. I've already done it. It's not that hard, just takes a lot of time. Getting there is tricky because THEY don't know I can do it.

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