Sunday, April 08, 2007

Boo hoo (anyone who hates complainers should not read this).

Because I'm cranky, and it's easier to make yourself sadder than it is to make yourself happier, here's a list of why I'm bummed today:
1. The weather: seriously, there has got to be nothing more depressing than an overcast and windy day. I would prefer rain to this, because at least rain is something. Today is nothing.
2. Today is Easter, and where is my chocolate? The answer is: there is no chocolate. How sad.
3. My room is messy and I did so much cleaning of the rest of the house yesterday that I have no motivation to clean it today.
4. I am wearing my scrubbiest comfy clothes, and the pants that were once too big are now tight around the middle. I am getting fat. Yes I am.
5. No one is home. Everyone else (except Dave) is gone to spend time with their families today, and I don't get to see mine until late this evening, and only for a couple of hours. And there is no chocolate there.
6. I am bored and lonely.
7. My only clean pair of socks are scratchy wool ones that don't have proper elastic in them so they won't even stay up. Damn you wool socks!
8. Ok that's enough whining. Bah, I feel useless today.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Slacker Friday

This is Winston chasing Mario. I wanted this at the end of the entry, but I can't figure out how to do that. Damn Blogger templates.

Today I woke up at 7:30 with a headache and feeling like I hadn't slept at all, so I did something (rather uncharacteristic) and turned off my alarm, and went back to sleep. Missed two classes today, but I haven't skipped a single class all semester, so I figured I deserve a rest-day. Not that it's that much of a rest, since I still have to go to work, albeit only for 5 1/2 hours. Hooray.
Speaking of work, my night shift job is over a week from today. While I didn't mind the night shift nearly as much as everyone else seemed to, I'm glad it's going to be over soon. I was mostly just sick of never having an evening off during the week. I missed many a wing-nite because of it. I start a much less stressful but more mindless job the following Monday. I get paid the same though, except I don't get the $2 an hour shift premium for working nights anymore. Oh well, I can live without that.

One more work-related story and then I promise I'm done.
Yesterday, I was chatting with two ladies who are friends of my mom (who also works there, but during the day) about weight issues, and one of them makes a comment about how I am tiny, but I have "very large breasts". The other lady agrees. What shocked me more than the comment was how nonchalent they both were about discussing it, while I was standing there, wide-eyed and stammering. Keep in mind that I barely know these women. Is this a middle-aged lady thing? To make very personal comments and not seem to notice how uncomfortable you make people?
Oh, and the best part was that the second lady (not the one who made the original comment) suggested that I get a breast reduction.
Up until now I have been perfectly happy with my body, at least in that department, but now as much as I try to ignore it, I can't help but feel like she might be right.

Tomorrow is my sister's 18th birthday, and in her usual style, she wants to spend it with her friends and not her family, but she makes an exception for me (probably because I don't live there anymore, and I'm not an authority figure). So after I go to the Price Club (was it ever even called that, or did I just imagine it? I know it's Costco now, but it will always be the Price Club to me) with mom to find some new frames and contacts, I am meeting her and her friend and boyfriend for lunch at Sun Sushi. I'm glad we are getting to be old enough so that isn't too weird. Mostly I just want an excuse to go to Sun Sushi. Don't tell her that, though. Hi Stef!

Well, I am off to work in half an hour. I never thought I'd get used to using 42-year-old software, but there you go. I did.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Blah, an attempt to keep myself sane and organized (failed).

1. How some people manage to be so together is beyond me. I feel like I'm the clumsiest, most awkward, graceless person in the world. Maybe I'm just not observant, but from what I've seen, most other people don't fumble through life like I do.

2. Yesterday I made a resolution to see more of my friends more often. I'm still busy, but not nearly as busy as I was the last few years, so there's no need, at least on my part, for us to go months without hangouts.

3. Got semi-yelled at (as a class, not myself personally) today by a prof that I actually forgot that I was scared of. She's always been nice enough to me, but there's always this feeling of dread, like she could snap at any minute.

4. Photoshoot with Heather and Philippe coming up this weekend, which I am fairly excited about. It was postponed from this past weekend due to Philippe (photographer) quite possibly having the Norwalk virus, though he says he feels better now, and from what I've heard, Norwalk = a week or more of nonstop vomitting. Vomiting. One t or two?

5. Why the list format? I don't know, it seems like it'll keep me organized. I'm feeling very disjointed and spaced-out today.

6. My new favourite restaurant, Sun Sushi, re-opens on Thursday after having been closed for a month for Chinese New Year (yes, I know, Sushi = Japanese, but this restaurant is owned by a Chinese family, so nyah). I won't get a chance to eat there until Saturday, but ohhh man, I can't wait.

7. My job, which I am trying my hardest not to complain about (because a: it is at the very least not mind-numbingly boring, b: the money is great, and c: I am lucky to have it) is over at the end of March, and although I am dreading the prospect of again being unemployed and having to hunt for another job for the summer, I am also looking forward to having a weeknight off. I have been working nights since January, and it hasn't wreaked havoc on my sleeping habits like everyone said it would. I maybe sleep in an hour later than I normally would, on days when I don't have class, but none of the staying up until 7:00am, unable to go to sleep. I guess it's just a middle-aged person thing, because I have no trouble going to sleep as soon as I get home, usually around 12:45.

8. Does any of this make any sense at all?

9. It was nice to catch up with a friend yesterday. It was also nice to get out of the house, which I hadn't left since I got home from work on Friday. This girl is always good for a nice chat.

That's all, I think.

Monday, February 19, 2007

And now for something completely different:

We got sent home from work after only half an hour today, and I still even get paid for the whole shift! You don't see Auntie Crae's doing that for their employees.
So it's snowing out, and apparently the roads are really bad. I'm pretty bored. In the last three days, I've read the last three years of Achewood. I've also got 6 or 7 episodes of Monty Python to watch. Productivity? Pff. I got groceries and vacuumed the landing today. That's enough.

I can see right into what appears to be the kitchen of the house across from me. There is a guy reading at the table. I wonder if people from across the street ever look in at me. I worry that even with my blinds down, they can still see me changing. At least I am on the third floor.

Pretty odd that none of my roommates are home. I wonder if they are still at work, or just stuck somewhere. Colin is probably still at work, but I doubt Katie's work stayed open. Dave just disappears for days at a time. He is probably at his girlfriend's.

I am happier lately than I've been in a while. That's all I'll say about that...

This entry is really disjointed. Probably a sign that I didn't have anything interesting to write about to begin with. I just didn't want to let this blog die like I have let so many others.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Everything's comin' up Milhouse!

A couple of really awesome things happened to me today and yesterday:

1. Yesterday, I found out that I have an interview with the med school here at MUN!

2. Today, I found out that I have a job, starting Monday, with Revenue Canada*!

So when I got to work this morning, I handed in my notice. Happiest friggin' day of my life. Well, that's a stretch, but it was pretty damn happy.

You know how it is, when you're in such a great mood, everything seems better? Colours seem brighter, food tastes better, even the slush on the road didn't bother me.

I feel like celebrating.

*Note: While working for Revenue Canada is not intrinsically rewarding, it is extremely, uh... extrinsically rewarding. Meaning I make about 2.5 times more than I did at Auntie Crae's. YES.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

It's done!

After a lot of money and even more pain, my tattoo is finally complete!

I just have to go in one more time for touch-ups to the outline and maybe the colours, though I think they healed up nicely and don't need any work. The picture is a little blurry, but the colours are much brighter in real life. I am so excited about finally having this finished! I am already planning my next one, though I won't be getting it for at least a year.

Christmas this year was good. Not great, but not bad either. I didn't get as much time off work as I would have liked, but I did get to spend a couple of days with my family. The whole past month has been weird, though. Christmas seemed even more commercial this year than it normally does, and I resolved (like I did last year) to try and make it different next time. This year I attempted to knit all my friends' presents, but despite having started over two months ago, I am still working on them. Next year I will start in August. Also, my nan had a stroke about a week and a half before Christmas. She's doing very well (it was pretty mild, and they caught it early), and was even able to come home in time for Christmas, but it was still a bit of a shock, and it sucks that she has to learn to speak again (also coming along well).

I just took Winston in to the vet to be neutered. Poor little guy, I got all choked up when they took him away. Those vet people should really be more sympathetic, although I do think I'm worrying for nothing. I get to pick him up at 4:00 today.

I am very tired, having gotten up at 6:00 on my day off, so my plans for today are to clean my room, watch a movie, and maybe do laundry if I have time. I am also hanging out with the girls tonight, which we haven't done since Annette left in July, I think.

Growing up kind of sucks.